The discovery of information as system of systems
The author of more than six thousand articles, fifteen books and greatly recognise as consultant and investigator, Antxon Sarasqueta, reveals in his latest book Somos informacion. La nueva ciencia de lo intangible, how the information is the system of all systems. “All the systems depend on information, except the information, which depends on itself”, he write.
In his book Sarasqueta gathers scientific experiences like the paradox of information about black holes, proposed by the astrophysics Stephen Hawking, the importance of analysing information brought up in Madrid by Nobel price winner James Watson for deciphering the DNA. Sarasqueta gives us the answer to the present-day scientific question of greatest significance, what is information?
The author and the first spaniard to unearth a new theory of information as an intangible system, discovers after more than thirty years of research that the information is not only mass media or contents and its tools, but that is in itself a matrix system which gives form and substance to everything in every day life. He develops the information as “new science of the intangible”.
In this book, published by the University of Navarra (EUNSA) which has obtained great reviews, Sarasqueta not only describes the properties and the workings of the intangible system of information but he tells us the empirical results which have produced in the systems and the markets of education, finances, telecommunications, energy, space industry, publicity and politics, to name a few. See the website of the book: · See the YouTube channel of the book:
The VAC SYSTEM and the intangible system of information
Sarasqueta presented the results of the VAC SYSTEM to major CEO´s of companies and to engineers at the University Complutense of Madrid on July of 1998. It was published in the book VAC: Valor Añadido de Comunicacion (added value to communication) under the sponsorship of the multinational Spanish company Iberdrola.
The VAC SYSTEM is a matrix system created by Sarasqueta and set up with the intangible system of information which has developed methods, techniques, and tools, to investigate, measure and analyse the information in quantitative and qualitative terms. VAC is the acronym for Added Value of Communication.
With the VAC SYSTEM and its tools you can for the first time visualise the map of the intangible information. You can know how the system works, what added value it generates, what are the resources for predicting its social impact and on the market. The resources it has to reduce costs, increase benefits, be more efficient, open new markets and strengthen the information. It´s a system that measures 100% information, be it tangible or intangible. See the website of the VAC SYSTEM:
The VAC SYSTEM in the education system, business models, and others
In cases produced by Multimedia Capital, the consultancy firm created by Sarasqueta in 1992, and in which the VAC SYSTEM has been used are the following:
– In the education system, the project Aldea Digital was implemented by the Ministry of Education in 2500 rural schools across Spain, it was a pioneer project at the international level, and in one of its schools Microsoft who sponsored the project developed `the digital blackboard´, it was presented by Bill Gates in Berlin on 2010. In the university world the system has been applied to institutions such as the University Complutense of Madrid with the Barometer University-Society, which has generated leadership reference in this type of sociological studies.
– In the business world the models of information and info-metric measures of the VAC System have been designed and produced for large entities like Iberdrola, Hispasat, Telefonica, Retevision, Banco Santander, Telemadrid, Repsol, or Radio Television Española.
- The measurements, studies, analytic and strategic reports applied by the VAC SYSTEM have been used by political entities, and other organisms, such as Partido Popular, European Parliament, Fundacion Telefonica, or the Union de Colegios Profesionales de España (the institution now includes almost all the national professional bodies in Spain). See the website of Sarasqueta:
In his book Sarasqueta outlines that the figure of information analyst will be one of the new professions generated by the society of information. Few months after the book was published, universities and business schools started soliciting his collaboration in masters and seminars, like Master Class of the internet university UNIR in November 2012, which is regarded as the major university in this type of field in Spain. See a webpage, videos, and links about it:
See other references:
The VAC System opened the field for infometrics:
Measure the information as a tangible material: